Like mentioned, I had BBQ session with my Sisterhood, Xiaxia and Wenwen yesterday. We promised to meet once a month for a 'key event' and we can also have occasional dinners together when any of us are free.
Really appreciate all the effort two of them are putting in so that we can meet as much as possible. Other than meeting up often, we had also been updating each other on what we do everyday via emails...
I guess it's really not easy to maintain such sisterhood and I am so happy and glad to know them and have them as my 'sisters'...
Heehee, I think the best part of BBQ, other than setting up the fire, is the buying of the food. We also enjoyed going around the supermarket together and grabbing the food... And we always tend to over-buy certain food...ARGHHH.. This time round... it's HOTDOGS... again..
See the enormous among of HOTDOGS we bought... which we eventually had to each force the remaining into our tummy... hahaha...
Ohh yaa, if you notice Haohao and Meimei did not attend the BBQ outing. Because they are happily touring in Japan now~!!! How envious... soon it will be Wenwen's turn to go for her holidays and then Xiaxia... sob... Hope next year I can travel too...
But then, I must say, we are Happy to have Charleen and Alan attended our BBQ. It had been a long time since she was able to participate in any of our outings. And initially she was not able to join us. But I guess it's God's Will that eventually she can join us ^^
It had been quite sometime since we had her around, and it's normal to feel distant. But I believe if she is able to catch up more on the missing memories, soon we may be like before ^^
I think that day Alan enjoyed himself the most, because he was the first to volunteer to set up the fire, and then he occupied himself the whole day bbqing for us to eat~!!! Wahhh... really like a big chef and big korkor (yaa, he is the oldest among us ^^)... Thanks Alan :) And I am happy to see Charleen and Alan so happily together... Had been so worried about this two 'kids' and finally we received great news of them getting married on 6th Jan 2010. And they would be getting their new hse keys in November 09. Wow.. wat a rush, but really Happy for them :)
And talking about their phototaking session for the bridal studio... reminds me of the time we took ours... it's like an excursion manz.. so fun ^^ But tiring day of coz... But fun, which matter most ^^
The weather was really great yesterday. It was humid and hot before 3pm. And wenwen and me just nua-ed around and refused to move our buttocks.. Lucky xiaxia was busy and can only meet us at 3pm. So at 2.45pm, we finally get out of the house to take a cab to Parkway Parade to meet xiaxia to buy the food. And by the time we reached the pit at 5plus, the weather is SOOO good.. windy and not sunny~!!! So Lucky... It was raining heavily on Sat and I was praying for a good weather yesterday and Yeah! We were lucky ^^
See the peaceful scenery...
Last but not least, Group Photos time ^^
And of coz my photo with my hubby ^^
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