But she told me that she will be bringing me out!!! Hurray!!!
I wriggled in my sleeping corner and waited for her to change my clothes. She showed me this very nice looking yellow rompers with a collar. I took a look at it and realized it's a boy-boy romper!!! I wonder what my mummy is trying to do to me???
Next thing I knew, I was in the yellow boy-boy romper and she snapping away with her camera as usual. She even called me a 'handsome boy'!!! HUH?!!! But then I think I really look smart and cute in the romper so I couldn't be bothered with this 'gender confusion' issue. I showed her all my cutest poses with the nicest smile :D She was really happy to watch me 'entertain' her.
See how cute and handsome I looked in the yellow collared romper!
After we got onto the car, Mummy showed me this Cookie Monster Soft toy which I thought looked cute. As Daddy’s car turned into the main road, suddenly I felt the glaring sun rays into my eyes and could not open my eyes anymore. HUMPH... I can no longer look at the scenery now :(
Mummy noticed my moodiness, and did something amazing. She used the Cookie Monster to add as a shade for my eyes! I can then open my eyes once again. I love my Mummy!!! Daddy thought I looked cute hiding behind the Cookie Monster and wished to take a shot at me. Hehehe, I then pushed away the Cookie Monster :P
We waited at the Clinic for quite a while for my turn. Mummy spoke to this nice aunty who was holding a tiny baby in her arms. The aunty told Mummy that her baby girl was only 2kg when she was born. OMG, her baby was even lighter than I was at birth!!!
I looked around feeling bored, wonder how long more must we wait?
When it was my turn to see the nurse, I was dozing off already. Suddenly I heard another baby screaming in a room next to ours! I opened my eyes in bewilderment! I turned to look at my Mummy for an explanation. She told me it was okay and not to worry. But Daddy seemed to be joking about something called ‘the slaughter house’. Sounded so scary!
I saw the nurse asking Mummy to put me on this weighing machine and I was told that I now weigh 6.3kg. I wonder how tall I am now.
After weighing me, Mummy was made to sit down again. The nurse then told Mummy to grab by legs and arms. Hmmm.. I wonder what she means by ‘This will make you healthy and strong...’ OUCH!!!!!
I felt a sharp pain on my left thigh and started to cry in protest. Mummy faster hugged me tightly and told me it’s okay and she is here for me. I hugged her tightly too. I knew my Mummy won’t let any stranger do any harm to me. I guess it’s really okay then. I looked at Daddy and tried to tell him it’s painful. Daddy praised me and said I am a brave girl. I felt so happy to have Daddy’s praise!!!
After we left the clinic, Daddy drove us to a Mcdonalds. Mummy ordered this breakfast deluxe meal which I thought looked so delicious! Mummy took my hands and let me held on to the ice milo too! How I wish I could take a sip! Mummy told me I can eat some hotcakes in a few more months! I am so excited. There was so many people all around us and they were talking very loudly.
After our brunch, Mummy and Daddy tried to feed me a red colour liquid in the car. I heard Mummy said it was panadol and she wanted me to drink it because I seemed to be a bit feverish. I guess it’s good for me, and it tasted really sweet too!
When we reached home, I felt very drowsy. Mummy made me some milk and I drank half of it. After that I pooed. Phew.. at last we were home and I can poo now!!! I had been enduring since I woke up!!!
After Mummy changed my diaper, I really felt like sleeping. But Mummy told me I need to take a bath before I can sleep! I love bathing and playing with water! Ah Well, my sleep can wait then :D
I had fun playing in the bath tub and all changed for my nap already :D
Time to zzz...
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