But first of all, I will like to share this fun weekends which has just passed.
I always tell myaelf I have to bring Jamie (and Pyone) out every weekends. Even if we can't go out on both days, we must at least have a dinner outside for one of the weekends. And ever since I started driving to work everyday, I became pretty independent when comes to going out with Jamie. When Laogong has no time for us on weekends, I will still pack Jamie's bag and bring her out (together with Pyone). And I have a feeling Jamie looks forward to every weekends these days.
SATURDAY (31 July 2010)
Saturday was my shift day, and since I will like to spend as much time over the weekends with Jamie as possible, I decided to bring Jamie to work. We packed her backpack on Friday night and was thankful Jamie woke up on time to set off.
Guess what? Packing Jamie's backpack is getting more difficult these days. As Jamie grew older, she no longer just survived on her milk. In fact, she only drinks max 3 times a day of milk, of which she drank the least milk in the afternoon. Her alternative food is two meals of porridge + fruits + white bread + baby biscuits... And that does not include the rice she 'begged' from me during my dinner time. And thus there are so much more things to pack for Jamie before we head out these days, And thats the reason why I need to pack the night before in case I miss anything out, I still can add it in.
Look at what's in Jamie's backpack these days...
- two milk bottles
- 3 servings of milk powder
- 1 thermo flask with hot water
- 1-2 water bottle with cool water
- 1 thermo flask with one meal of porridge
- 1 set of baby cutleries + the 'bowl' for her during meal
- 1 bowl of cereals for the other meal if she will be out for the whole day or have her previous meal to early
- snack pack - 4 types of baby biscuits, of which gerber puffs is her favourite
- fruits - 1/2 pear/avocado + 8pc of grapes
- 1 slice of white bread tear into smaller pieces
- 1 set of additional clothes
- 1 sweater
- 2-3 hankies
- 3-6 pull up diapers
- 2 bibs (1 cloth and 1 plastic)
- some plastic bags/zip-block bags
- 1 blanket
- baby pillow
- 1 toy
- 1 teether
- toilet pack - diaper cream, wet wipes, ru yi oil etc
- 1 big pkt of tissue paper
- changing mat
A lot of things right? And the backpack is definitely heavy. However, all the food and toys and snacks will definitely keep Jamie happy for the DayOut, so I guess they have all become an essential for the infant/toddler.
Anyhow I packed this backpack on Friday nite. Saturday Jamie spent her morning at my workplace and had some sort of fun...
I left the office around 2pm and headed towards Bugis Junction. Almost caught in a jam coz of the NDP preview, however, was grateful the situation was not as bad as it seems. But I was very hungry by the time I reached Bugis. I suddenly felt like having Ajisen and went over there for lunch. I order a ramen + 3 side dishes to share with Pyone. Jamie was too excited to see the food and rejected her milk and had portions of white fish and 1 tofu.
I was kinda of shocked when she tried to topple the table with her legs. There was already a bowl of ramen and at least 1 side dish on the table. But yet her legs seem so strong.. I let out a scream and held on to the table... Phew...
I met my cousin later to walk walk in Bugis Junction and took a walk to take a look at the party shops. There are so many things to buy for the parties...
I asked for a few quotes and had some ideas in mind after that. We then wondered where we should have our dinner. Since Bugis Junction will confirm be crowded, we decided to try our luck at Iluma. True enough, there was no dinner crowd at all. We chose the Manhattan Fish Market as our dinner venue.
Since there were 3 adults (including Pyone), we ordered my all time favourite Platter. While waiting for the food, we watched how the two little children interacted with each other. Firstly, they found great amusement with the menu.
Then it's time for their dinner before ours come. As usual, Jamie has a very good appetite despite her small size. She finished all the cereals and went on to her white bread. But Kayden had problem finishing his cereals. Anyhow I heard Kayden is a milk baby instead while Jamie does not really enjoy drinking her milk, hence I think Kayden will still have the essential nutrition from his milk.
Ta-Da... our food came and both the kids can't help but stare at it...
My naughty Jamie even went out to banging the table till we fed her with the garlic rice which came with the platter. She finished about half a soup bowl of garlic rice... Wow...
Once again, we were reminded our the time, our mothers brought us out together for shopping and other activities. I will hope we, the next generation can continue this tradition and try as much as possible to bring our children out together to interact with each other.
SUNDAY (1st August 2010)
Sunday was a rest day in the morning. We only headed out at 5.30pm. This is my first time attending a grassroot National Day Dinner. Thanks to my bosses, the office staffs were invited to attend together with them. And guess what? We sat really near DPM Mr Teo Chee Hean. He even came over to have a toast with us~!!! Wow...I never felt so proud of myself in my whole life... He was really right in front of me and I felt as if I was dreaming, till I was totally stunned and didn't know how to react....Now thinking of it, I should have ask if he can take a picture with Jamie. And I can show it to her teachers next time when I register her for primary school :X Hahaha... Just joking...
I really look forward to meeting more ministers and more MPs~!!! Looking forward to the next NDP Dinner on Saturday (7th August 2010). I guess the atmosphere will be even better since it's nearer to the actual National Day...
The last time I attended an NDP event was in 2006, when Laogong and I represented PropNex in the Economic Contingent for the NDP that year. After that, I lost touch with the NDP feel until last Sunday. I felt good, swinging the flags with the rest of the MPs, grassroot leaders and residents...
I really feel belonged in this organisation. And I really hope this will be where I will retire. But sometimes I feel that the more I wish for something to happen, the more stressed I may be at work. Or worse, to a certain extent, some may view me as being to eager to please...
But I guess, only someone who has been through the search for the right workplace with the right colleague, right working environment and most importantly, the right boss, will truly understand why I feel so blissful and fortunate everyday at work, no matter how busy I am...
And for those who are still searching for this right workplace, I sincerely hope you can find it soon too.
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