Why will I say so? I had a GOOD scare today after my dinner with my 'jiemeis' Xiaxia and Wenwen. Hence I think Jamie will really arrive ANYTIME from now...
Tell you more in the next blog entry.
Went for my gynae checkup yesterday (Friday, 6th Nov 09). It's my 37th week and Jamie is 2.9kg. And I put on 1kg wor... heehee... Okay lah, I didn't overeat, instead I walked more lately. Hence I believe it must be some gain in muscle mass... ^^
Hmmm.. Gynae tried to turn Jamie again... Her 3rd attempt already but think my stubborn girl struggled back to her usual position right after the gynae checkup... Haizzz... We will need to make the crucial decision whether to C-Sec baby out earlier or wait on to the EDD by next Friday...
Sighh.. we started chatting about the finances again... Guess, it's better to have a planned C-Sec then an emergency C-Sec... Because I heard if we waited till the due date and still can't turn baby area to do the natural delivery, we will need to pay for both the natural delivery + C-Sec service... and if C-Sec is requested after office hours, we will need to pay another surcharge 0_____0 OMG... That will be 3-4K more...
I guess, if by next Friday my girl girl still stubbornly remains in her current position, we may C-Sec before 20 Nov 09. So that my hubby can focus on his exams earlier too...
Lets all pray hard that she turns soon...
After the gynae checkup, I followed my hubby to see doctor... He didn't go to work today due to serious migraine :( Sob... must be coz of all the stress from work, studies and baby :( Poor him... Plus he is worried about the rumored 2nd wave of H1N1 and the hybrid H1N2 into Singapore and affecting me and baby :(
Lets pray hard the 'outbreak' in USA isn't that serious... And won't reached Singapore so soon...
Went to meet Russ for Dinner at about 7pm at Ding Tai Fung - Wisma. I heard that the food there isn't very good. But yesterday food taste okay to me. And the service is pretty good too. Wonder if it's coz I am pregnant...
But hor, something sickening happened in the MRT... I was on the train from Bishan to Orchard. And I stood in front of a man who was sitting on the priority seat. He actually looked at me and smiled at me. I smiled back, and thought he was going to give up his seat for me. But who knows, he then looked away 0________0 KAOZ... I then walked away to the other side where I could lie on the glass next to the door.
However, there are still nice people around...There was this very nice poly student (I think she is around 16-18 yrs old), who noticed me, even though she was listening to her earphone. She walked over to the priority seat behind the glass I was laying on and asked the boy who was sitting there to give up the seat to me. Wow... I feel so touched... Nice girl... And she didn't even feel that she did a great thing and continue reading her book and listening to her earphone...
Anyhow, the dinner was great :D Had something different...Chinese Food~!!! And the dishes that Russ introduced was really great :) At first thought I won't be able to meet Sandra before I popped, but eventually we still managed to meet her up after the dinner!!! So Happy to see them both ^^ But pity, we didn't managed to take a group photo together :(
Anyway, I like most of the dishes I tried at Ding Tai Fung - Wisma that night.
Prawn Pancake, Dou miao and meat, Drunken Chicken, Xiao Long Bai and Wanton Soup... Yummy... Actually I think we ordered too much for 2 pax :P hahaha...
hate it when those men refuse to give up their seats to preggy ladies. and i hate it even more they r on their priority seats. seriously, spore should do a harsh advertisement on this on TV. i heard taiwan, japan are v strict on their priority seats n they must give it to the needed ppl. those men who refuse to give up their seats should wear a 10kg weight on their tummy n go experience how it is like been so heavy.. ~annie pang