From feeling it's a hassle to feeling it's fun to bring Jamie out alone, I realized it's not impossible to lug the stroller, the diaper bag and the baby out!!!
But hor, I will still look for more efficient way of bringing as little things as possible when I bring Jamie out :D Just bought this very nice Carrier from Gmarket :) Will take a photo when I start using it. Jamie seems a bit too tiny to use the carrier yet and I am so worried she will drop out halfway :P hahaha...
As I was telling my forum mates, I think my diaper bag is a bit too heavy. But I guess those mummies who are like me who don't breastfeed has no choice but to lug the thermoflask, the milk bottles and milk powder when we are out. So envious of those mummies who can just walk around with extra diapers and a new set of clothes for the baby only. All they need to do when baby need milk is to walk into the lactation room in the Malls or some supermum even 就地解决 and latch on the spot~!!!
I am currently using the Thomson Medical Centre's diaper bag which was given to me when I discharged. Just want to share the content of my diaper bag (which make it so heavy):
For feeding:
- 1 500ml thermoflask
- 1 300ml mineral water
- 2 milk bottles
- 3-7 feeds of milk powder (depending on how long I stay outside)
- 2 hankies
For Changing/Cleaning:
- 1-2 sets of extra clothes
- 4-5 diapers
- 1 bottle of ruyi oil
- 1 tube of nappy cream
- 1 tube of baby lip balm
- 2 travel packets of baby wipes
- few packets of antiseptic
- 1 small bottle of dettol sanitizer
- 1 clipper fan (if bring the stroller out)
- 1 beanie pillow
- 1 cloth diaper
- 1 pacifier
A lot of things right? I am thinking of getting some compacted backpack organiser then I can just go out with minimum items, a backpack and a baby carrier ^^ At least I can try to take the bus with these items... With a stroller, I can only call taxi~!!!
Anyway hor, I will jiayou jiayou~!!! And think of better ways to bring baby out and yet not have a overloaded diaper bag :P
Okok, let me share my Dayouts with Jamie and my friends~
Last Monday, I went out with Yeewen. And yes, Jamie came along in her stroller. It was not my first time out with Jamie but then it's my first time out with Jamie by Cab~ My previous two experiences were with my hubby driving me to the destination and back. However, last Monday, I took cab to and fro the destination. I was actually very amazed at how Yeewen felt about Jamie. Instead of feeling it's very ma fan to walk and stop every now and then, especially when Jamie wanted milk, she actually felt it was OK! I am really grateful that my friends are so supportive of me bringing Jamie out, so that I won't feel outcasted.
Yeewen and me met at about 3pm at 313@Somerset and we sat down immediately for our 'high-tea' after we spotted this very nice shop called Marvellous Cream.
We ordered 1 chocolate cream waffle-alike and a Strawberry Shortcake Parfait. Not forgetting the very yummy Hot Mocha~!!! Never had such nice Mocha before... Yummy~
I realised Jamie these days are behaving more like adults. She will look at us and drool when she sees us eating. And even if it's not her meal time, she will demand for her milk and she must be fed and full before we can enjoy our meals :P See how she bio at us as we ate...kekeke...
We shopped around this new shopping centre and had a few rounds of scare from Jamie, because we thought she pooed. hahaha... but she didn't~ And we sat down for our dinner by 6pm since Yeewen need to work the next day :D Jamie demanded for her milk again when she saw us drinking the yummy mushroom and french onion soup~
After Dinner, me and Yeewen shared cab home. I always worried about closing the stroller with one hand and then carrying baby on the other. But it's easier that day coz I had Yeewen who can help me carry Jamie while I struggled with the stroller.
Phew... This first success will mean I will be more confident to bring baby out alone next time ^^
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