Yupyup! I finally sold my first house after being officially active for 2 months in the property industry. It was not an easy start because the baby was planned but still she came as a surprise to us. We didn't know we will be 'SO LUCKY' to hit the jackpot as soon as we decided to go for the baby :P
Frankly my hubby and I were just discussing a few days ago whether I should continue to try and see if it's going to be my long term job or I should just move on and get a temp job till I deliver. After which, I can get a full time perm job after CNY.
Well, I guess the way had been shown and that it's worth to continue to fight the battle and see if I can stay afloat in the industry. So I am going to give myself another few months till I deliver to see if we can see more light…
All the best to us~!!!
LOL.. congrates