Friday, February 22, 2013
Buzzing Bee...
Was really busy lately because the end of my confinement marked the beginning of Lunar New Year.
With all the visiting and preparing for James' full month celebration, I really have no time to catch up on my blog posts. Lots to share because I had been super engrossed in China history related HK and China dramas since my confinement. So engrossed that I already made up my mind to plan another visit to China after my Beijing trip this April.
Apart from these great shows, I also have lots of photos to share about James too ^^
Though 'torturing' because he hardly sleeps, but I really cannot help but love my pretty prince more and more everyday :)
Please bear with the possible messiness of my blog because I will be sorting out the blog labels on and off these few days.
Will share more after James' full month party this Sunday :D
Got to zoom off now because my friends are coming over for steamboat dinner and lou hei this evening. After preparing for the dinner items, I need to zoom off to fetch Jamie and my hubby :)
Haha! I feel as busy now as when I was working :P
Seeya soon :)
Jamie Can Walk~!!!
Was really thrilled to saw Jamie FINALLY stood up on her own and started walking with no support~!!!
She was short for her age and looked really 'cartoon' walking around the house. Beign small for her age, she can even move around narrow 'paths' without much effort!
At first she would be worried to walk into pitch dark bedrooms but now she felt excited to explore her way all around the house~!!! And she refused to let us hold her hands anymore!
But I noticed she is still wary when she is out of the house. She would hold our hands tightly or even refuse to walk when she is out of the house. I brought her to the playground yesterday and she even sat down to 'feel' the texture of the ground before she attempted to walk on her own~!!!
Look at how Pretty My Little Princess has become :)
Check out her taking her first steps...
Home Sweet Home
It had been 10 days since we moved into the new house. But it felt like a very long time.
However, we definitely have alot more things to learn. We have to learn how to live without our inlaws, learn how to accommodate with each other's difference in handling household matters and learn how to manage the home finances.
It is definitely very different from the previous 3 years of our lives. We were once very sheltered under my MIL's roof and did not have to worry about the utility bills. We simply need only to give my MIL an allowance every month and never asked if the allowance was sufficient to pay for the utilities and food at home :P
Now it's always about dollars and cents. We need to ensure we don't waste electricity and tried many ways to save and recycle the dirty water. We had to educate our helper that electricity and water in Singapore is very expensive. We had to ensure the house is always in tip-top shape before the house warming LOLz...
But then it's our own home afterall~ Whenever we thought about this, we felt it's worth it going throuhg the details and worried about the home finances.
We can design the house the way we want. We can do housework the way we want. We can eat the type of food we want. We can do anything we want :D Most importantly, our friends can visit us whenever they want :D
Well, welcome to our new nest any time :D

However, we definitely have alot more things to learn. We have to learn how to live without our inlaws, learn how to accommodate with each other's difference in handling household matters and learn how to manage the home finances.
It is definitely very different from the previous 3 years of our lives. We were once very sheltered under my MIL's roof and did not have to worry about the utility bills. We simply need only to give my MIL an allowance every month and never asked if the allowance was sufficient to pay for the utilities and food at home :P
Now it's always about dollars and cents. We need to ensure we don't waste electricity and tried many ways to save and recycle the dirty water. We had to educate our helper that electricity and water in Singapore is very expensive. We had to ensure the house is always in tip-top shape before the house warming LOLz...
But then it's our own home afterall~ Whenever we thought about this, we felt it's worth it going throuhg the details and worried about the home finances.
We can design the house the way we want. We can do housework the way we want. We can eat the type of food we want. We can do anything we want :D Most importantly, our friends can visit us whenever they want :D
Well, welcome to our new nest any time :D
Trying to cope...
I had thought moving into a new place will give me more peace. But I guess I was not ready for the series of changes, new adjustments, unexpected illnesses and increase in household expenses.
I finally realised why we should salute housewives. I think they 'work' as hard as any one of us out there in the office as they do at home. Not only there are tonnes of repeated housework to be done daily, there are also lots of hair-dropping issues to think about = Where to get the cheaper groceries, What to cook tonight and How to save electricity and gas?
We never had to worry about all these before we settled into our new nest. It was as easy as giving a lumpsum alowance to my MIL and leaving the rest of the calculations to her. But now, we have to do the calculations ourselves. And the amount is getting bigger everyday :(
I guess soon, and I really mean very soon, I need to start making the choices, what I have to save on and what I cannot...
But of coz we are much more fortunate than many so we really should not complain. We have a good helper who cooks well and loves Jamie ALOT. So we can continue to have our couplehood and social life. Though there aren't many amenities around, but we have at least a sheng siong and a 24hr coffee shop that serves good food, a bakery, a hair salon, a DIY shop and a clinic. NTUC and Popular is also reachable by LRT now. But of coz I will appreciate the Punggol Central and Bigger shopping malls are setup faster than planned. As we get more crowded in Punggol, I forsee the patience of the Punggolians will drop further...
But many will tell me, that's the 'speciality' about living in Punggol. It's a quiet and youthful estate, unlike the cluttered mature estates... But of coz after living in a kampong style Yishun that has Chong Pang Market just 5min walk away for 20+ yrs + another 2+ yrs in the all accessible Bishan, I really need more time to get used to living in a non-happening and ulu Punggol lolz...
However, I am grateful I have great neighbours and the neighbourhood is brightly lit. I will appreciate there are less irresponsible investors who rent their new homes to foreigners though... Please think about the safety of others too, especially those with young children...
Other than us trying to adjust ourselves, I can see Jamie's frustration and stress too. So much so she fell badly ill. Her fever had been going up and down like roller coaster, however she looked perfectly sober and active. I can only think that she is fighting her own anxiety in her own ways... It's really not easy for a little child like her having to go through the change of a new home and a strange place called school...
Having to cope with insecurity and fear of being left behind is really not easy. I feel really guilty to put her through all these. But my hubby thought this can make Jamie stronger if she can adapt to it faster than expected. However, she is just a young child.. I really hope I am not doing the wrong thing...
I guess other than ourselves and Jamie, my poor helper had a hard time coping in the new home too. The chores are never the same now in the new home because the materials the house is made of and the design is different from my MIL. My MIL doesnt have a built-in stove or hood. She doesnt have kitchen cabinet or vanity. So it's all new to both me and my helper. We are thankful that our design Sean is willing to go through the hassle to teach me how to maintain all these materials in the house. Thanks Sean!!!
He is really a trustworthy and reliable ID who is more than an ID to us now! He is now our friend too!!! And I always to joke about how my hubby will be nagged by Sean for 'destroying' his design concepts of the TV consoles by messying it up with cable wires :P
I guess I feel better already talking about all these stress... Though it takes time to adapt and adjust, I believe we can do it de :D And we can do it well.. building and maintaining and protecting our very own nest...
I finally realised why we should salute housewives. I think they 'work' as hard as any one of us out there in the office as they do at home. Not only there are tonnes of repeated housework to be done daily, there are also lots of hair-dropping issues to think about = Where to get the cheaper groceries, What to cook tonight and How to save electricity and gas?
We never had to worry about all these before we settled into our new nest. It was as easy as giving a lumpsum alowance to my MIL and leaving the rest of the calculations to her. But now, we have to do the calculations ourselves. And the amount is getting bigger everyday :(
I guess soon, and I really mean very soon, I need to start making the choices, what I have to save on and what I cannot...
But of coz we are much more fortunate than many so we really should not complain. We have a good helper who cooks well and loves Jamie ALOT. So we can continue to have our couplehood and social life. Though there aren't many amenities around, but we have at least a sheng siong and a 24hr coffee shop that serves good food, a bakery, a hair salon, a DIY shop and a clinic. NTUC and Popular is also reachable by LRT now. But of coz I will appreciate the Punggol Central and Bigger shopping malls are setup faster than planned. As we get more crowded in Punggol, I forsee the patience of the Punggolians will drop further...
But many will tell me, that's the 'speciality' about living in Punggol. It's a quiet and youthful estate, unlike the cluttered mature estates... But of coz after living in a kampong style Yishun that has Chong Pang Market just 5min walk away for 20+ yrs + another 2+ yrs in the all accessible Bishan, I really need more time to get used to living in a non-happening and ulu Punggol lolz...
However, I am grateful I have great neighbours and the neighbourhood is brightly lit. I will appreciate there are less irresponsible investors who rent their new homes to foreigners though... Please think about the safety of others too, especially those with young children...
Other than us trying to adjust ourselves, I can see Jamie's frustration and stress too. So much so she fell badly ill. Her fever had been going up and down like roller coaster, however she looked perfectly sober and active. I can only think that she is fighting her own anxiety in her own ways... It's really not easy for a little child like her having to go through the change of a new home and a strange place called school...
Having to cope with insecurity and fear of being left behind is really not easy. I feel really guilty to put her through all these. But my hubby thought this can make Jamie stronger if she can adapt to it faster than expected. However, she is just a young child.. I really hope I am not doing the wrong thing...
I guess other than ourselves and Jamie, my poor helper had a hard time coping in the new home too. The chores are never the same now in the new home because the materials the house is made of and the design is different from my MIL. My MIL doesnt have a built-in stove or hood. She doesnt have kitchen cabinet or vanity. So it's all new to both me and my helper. We are thankful that our design Sean is willing to go through the hassle to teach me how to maintain all these materials in the house. Thanks Sean!!!
He is really a trustworthy and reliable ID who is more than an ID to us now! He is now our friend too!!! And I always to joke about how my hubby will be nagged by Sean for 'destroying' his design concepts of the TV consoles by messying it up with cable wires :P
I guess I feel better already talking about all these stress... Though it takes time to adapt and adjust, I believe we can do it de :D And we can do it well.. building and maintaining and protecting our very own nest...
Trying to cope...
I had thought moving into a new place will give me more peace. But I guess I was not ready for the series of changes, new adjustments, unexpected illnesses and increase in household expenses.
I finally realised why we should salute housewives. I think they 'work' as hard as any one of us out there in the office as they do at home. Not only there are tonnes of repeated housework to be done daily, there are also lots of hair-dropping issues to think about = Where to get the cheaper groceries, What to cook tonight and How to save electricity and gas?
We never had to worry about all these before we settled into our new nest. It was as easy as giving a lumpsum alowance to my MIL and leaving the rest of the calculations to her. But now, we have to do the calculations ourselves. And the amount is getting bigger everyday :(
I guess soon, and I really mean very soon, I need to start making the choices, what I have to save on and what I cannot...
But of coz we are much more fortunate than many so we really should not complain. We have a good helper who cooks well and loves Jamie ALOT. So we can continue to have our couplehood and social life. Though there aren't many amenities around, but we have at least a sheng siong and a 24hr coffee shop that serves good food, a bakery, a hair salon, a DIY shop and a clinic. NTUC and Popular is also reachable by LRT now. But of coz I will appreciate the Punggol Central and Bigger shopping malls are setup faster than planned. As we get more crowded in Punggol, I forsee the patience of the Punggolians will drop further...
But many will tell me, that's the 'speciality' about living in Punggol. It's a quiet and youthful estate, unlike the cluttered mature estates... But of coz after living in a kampong style Yishun that has Chong Pang Market just 5min walk away for 20+ yrs + another 2+ yrs in the all accessible Bishan, I really need more time to get used to living in a non-happening and ulu Punggol lolz...
However, I am grateful I have great neighbours and the neighbourhood is brightly lit. I will appreciate there are less irresponsible investors who rent their new homes to foreigners though... Please think about the safety of others too, especially those with young children...
Other than us trying to adjust ourselves, I can see Jamie's frustration and stress too. So much so she fell badly ill. Her fever had been going up and down like roller coaster, however she looked perfectly sober and active. I can only think that she is fighting her own anxiety in her own ways... It's really not easy for a little child like her having to go through the change of a new home and a strange place called school...
Having to cope with insecurity and fear of being left behind is really not easy. I feel really guilty to put her through all these. But my hubby thought this can make Jamie stronger if she can adapt to it faster than expected. However, she is just a young child.. I really hope I am not doing the wrong thing...
I guess other than ourselves and Jamie, my poor helper had a hard time coping in the new home too. The chores are never the same now in the new home because the materials the house is made of and the design is different from my MIL. My MIL doesnt have a built-in stove or hood. She doesnt have kitchen cabinet or vanity. So it's all new to both me and my helper. We are thankful that our design Sean is willing to go through the hassle to teach me how to maintain all these materials in the house. Thanks Sean!!!
He is really a trustworthy and reliable ID who is more than an ID to us now! He is now our friend too!!! And I always to joke about how my hubby will be nagged by Sean for 'destroying' his design concepts of the TV consoles by messying it up with cable wires :P
I guess I feel better already talking about all these stress... Though it takes time to adapt and adjust, I believe we can do it de :D And we can do it well.. building and maintaining and protecting our very own nest...
I finally realised why we should salute housewives. I think they 'work' as hard as any one of us out there in the office as they do at home. Not only there are tonnes of repeated housework to be done daily, there are also lots of hair-dropping issues to think about = Where to get the cheaper groceries, What to cook tonight and How to save electricity and gas?
We never had to worry about all these before we settled into our new nest. It was as easy as giving a lumpsum alowance to my MIL and leaving the rest of the calculations to her. But now, we have to do the calculations ourselves. And the amount is getting bigger everyday :(
I guess soon, and I really mean very soon, I need to start making the choices, what I have to save on and what I cannot...
But of coz we are much more fortunate than many so we really should not complain. We have a good helper who cooks well and loves Jamie ALOT. So we can continue to have our couplehood and social life. Though there aren't many amenities around, but we have at least a sheng siong and a 24hr coffee shop that serves good food, a bakery, a hair salon, a DIY shop and a clinic. NTUC and Popular is also reachable by LRT now. But of coz I will appreciate the Punggol Central and Bigger shopping malls are setup faster than planned. As we get more crowded in Punggol, I forsee the patience of the Punggolians will drop further...
But many will tell me, that's the 'speciality' about living in Punggol. It's a quiet and youthful estate, unlike the cluttered mature estates... But of coz after living in a kampong style Yishun that has Chong Pang Market just 5min walk away for 20+ yrs + another 2+ yrs in the all accessible Bishan, I really need more time to get used to living in a non-happening and ulu Punggol lolz...
However, I am grateful I have great neighbours and the neighbourhood is brightly lit. I will appreciate there are less irresponsible investors who rent their new homes to foreigners though... Please think about the safety of others too, especially those with young children...
Other than us trying to adjust ourselves, I can see Jamie's frustration and stress too. So much so she fell badly ill. Her fever had been going up and down like roller coaster, however she looked perfectly sober and active. I can only think that she is fighting her own anxiety in her own ways... It's really not easy for a little child like her having to go through the change of a new home and a strange place called school...
Having to cope with insecurity and fear of being left behind is really not easy. I feel really guilty to put her through all these. But my hubby thought this can make Jamie stronger if she can adapt to it faster than expected. However, she is just a young child.. I really hope I am not doing the wrong thing...
I guess other than ourselves and Jamie, my poor helper had a hard time coping in the new home too. The chores are never the same now in the new home because the materials the house is made of and the design is different from my MIL. My MIL doesnt have a built-in stove or hood. She doesnt have kitchen cabinet or vanity. So it's all new to both me and my helper. We are thankful that our design Sean is willing to go through the hassle to teach me how to maintain all these materials in the house. Thanks Sean!!!
He is really a trustworthy and reliable ID who is more than an ID to us now! He is now our friend too!!! And I always to joke about how my hubby will be nagged by Sean for 'destroying' his design concepts of the TV consoles by messying it up with cable wires :P
I guess I feel better already talking about all these stress... Though it takes time to adapt and adjust, I believe we can do it de :D And we can do it well.. building and maintaining and protecting our very own nest...
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