Not a branded one like Maclaren, Combi or even Capella. However, looks good enough for basic use ^^ Was pondering over whether to buy an expensive stroller and those branded one seem to cost minimum $299... Phew... Can't bear to spend that money, though it's an essential item.
Was really luck to have know Melody. Was chatting with her about choosing a stroller and found out that she has an extra stroller. Read about the stroller and found it not bad, and decided to buy over it :) Wow... I paid a really reasonable and cost-efficient amount for this brand new stroller~!!!
I love it's colour too! Looks really cheeful and sporty :) Think will turn a few heads when I stroll Jamie along ECP next time ^^ Hahaha...
Let Jamie tried on this 'toy' I got from my brother. She seems to enjoy it coz she can now sit in the living room with us and not feel lonely sleeping in the bedroom herself! See how Happy she looks~
Had been doing 5 days of OJT and so far, I enjoyed myself and hope to continue to enjoy myself :)
Ohhh yaaa!!! My massage is finally starting on next Monday~!!! Tell you all more tomorrow about the massage ^^
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