
Monday, December 2, 2013

Obasan to Hot Mama #8 (My Slimming Journey - Losing 16kg in 3 months) - The New Journey Begins

Yesterday marked the end of the first week of a new journey for me.

The 3 months of strict diet plan had finally ended. But this doesn't mean I can immediately plunge into the sea of delicacies! I need to go through two months of monitoring before I can totally end this slimming programme. 

The last week was the first test to see how my body reacts to taking in carbo in my diet again. We started with whole meal bread which is also a healthier carbo. To my surprise, I not only did not gain any weight, I lost another 200-600gram!!! 

I felt as if I scored 101 marks in an exam paper which max score is 100. 

My therapist told me this means I can advance in the intensity and degree of my food challenge. I can now eat as per normal, and only need to skip carbo during dinner! 

Omg! I am so nervous! Thousands and one 'what if' emerged in my brain. I guess it's good that I have a fear that I may rebounce in weight even if I know I was guaranteed no rebounce for the next 3 years. 

It's always fear that keep us on our toes... It's fear that makes us wary and take precautions... And only with fear, we will never be complacent. For friends who once asked how did I manage to go through this slimming programme... It's the fear that keeps me going. So for friends who had embarked on this prog too, start to fear and you can make through the programme too!!! Jiayou!!!

I fear to be fat and ugly again. I worked so hard till I know I may not have the courage to go through it again. So I cannot fail. 

And I am happy with the way I am now. Not only I am slimmer now, I also feel lighter and stronger in strength. I used to pant if I need to carry Jamie and walked a distance, but now I can do it quite easily. I used to feel lazy to need to take mrt or bus coz both requires me to walk, so I end up spending a lot on cab. But now I don't mind walking a bit more :) 

The slimming programme is really miraculous and you only need 3 months (on condition you follow all the instructions and diet plan closely), to get back your original weight. It's the easiest and least time consuming method for mummies to regain your once slender bodies! As we all know, mummies have no time after work to exercise becoz the very little time left has to involve our little previous and our lovey hubbies. That's the reason why I will highly recommend this programme to mummies who are looking for a remedy -> no matter it's to regain your lost confidence or to rebuilt your lost health and regime or you simply just want to look the same as you were before you were pregnant. 

I have some friends who had joined or will be joining my journey and I look forward to cheering them on to achieve the same, if not even better results than me! If you want to consider joining our journey, don't be shy and just leave me a comment or SMS/Whatsapp/Facebook me and I can share more with you :) 

For friends who never saw me at 43-48lg before, will probably be shocked to see the following photos... 

I took some time to collate my 'far past', 'near past' and current photos so that you all can go wow wow woohoo...

Enjoy the photos... And witness my transformation!!!

was only 43-46kg in year 2000-2007. See my sharp boney faces. Lg look young and slim as ever though ;) 

In year 2008, in preparation for my wedding, I was about 48kg. See my boney collar bone and slim arms!!!

I started to put on weight after I had Jamie in year 2009. But the weight gain went haywire due to work stress and good food & great company to share my food at work. I was then 55-58kg.

In year 2013, after I delivered James, my weight gain was almost impossible to lose. I dieted, ate slimming pills and did slimming massage during my 3 mths maternity leave. But I only dropped from 67kg to 64kg. It was devastating...

I started to hate the mirror and hate going out with friends. I hate it when people said I looked 'different' and some tactless ones said they cannot recognized me from the back. I knew I had it! I need to do something about it and fast! I was 63.4kg just before my slimming programme. See my round round face and huge body!!! 

I saw immediate results in just 8 sessions (1+ mths), I lost minimum 600-800g a week. On good weeks, I lost 1-2kg!!! See the difference in just 8 sessions! I lost about 8kg and was 55kg! 

I persevered and continued to lose weight... In 3 months, I lost 15kg!!! 
Not only I am slimmer, I am more energetic and radiant! See the difference?!! I was back at 48kg when I attended Jamie's graduation concert (bottom photo)

And that's not all! I continued to loose weight and at my last session, I was only 47.1kg! 

See this... My change from Feb to Nov 2013. We love Sentosa so much, we will visit it every 2 months. Now with my slimmer arms and legs, I no longer need to hide in a corner to swim!!!

Amazing?!! U can do it too as long as you believe you can and as long as you really want to slim down!!!

Join me and look great with your children and hubby now!!! They will be proud of you too!!!

You can be a princess too!!!