
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Food Review : Cheesy McSpicy and Milo Dinosaur McFlurry

Unlike the Salted Egg Chicken Burger, I had yet to read any review about the "new" Cheesy McSpicy Burger on Facebook. 

I called it "new" because McSpicy Burger has always been one of the long standing favorite burgers. And previously, we can already request to add a cheese to our usual McSpicy Burger, hence it was never something very new. 

I am a McSpicy Burger Lover and I LOVE Cheese! Hence, I can shout out that this "new" burger creation is definitely my favorite so far and I am a big fan! 

BUT the taste will be even better if the cheese can be thicker and bigger! Then we definitely will have the "burst in your mouth" Orhmm feeling. 

I had to talk about where we went for this new recipe . Had wanted to bring the kids to the new Marine Cove area last Sunday for a nice lunch and outdoor playtime. However, a very heavy rain spoilt our plan. The crowd at the Mcdonald was surprisingly still okay and we waited less than 20 minutes to get  indoor seating. We did not have to wait very long to get our food too. The Mcdonald cleaner aunty was very friendly and encouraging. She told the kids to enjoy their lunch first and the rain would stop soon. 

The rain did not stop but got heavier. 

Nevertheless, I was really impressed with the customer service and friendliness of the Mcdonald servers. The indoor seating was cosy and layout was spacious. Jamie was amused by the cakes and sandwiches counter and posed for me to take pictures.

Our spirits were abit dampened but the Milo Dinosaur McFlurry made us smile! 

Take a closer look at the Milo Powder Sprinkled on top of the McFlurry.

I was really surprised that the Milo Dinosaur McFlurry did not taste too sweet. Yummy! Beside the original Oero McFlurry, this is definitely my next favorite! Hehe! I will definitely go for another round of this McFlurry soon at the Mcdonald near my office. Hehehe!

Stay Tune for more Food Reviews as I am on food hunts quite often these days! I will also try to back-date my previous food hunts experiences too, which I feel is worth sharing! 

Should there be any new recipes or restaurants/cafes, do let me know too so I can check them out! ^^


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Movie Review - 六弄咖啡馆、半句再见



有点黑暗 (Dark)、沉重







男人有时太专注于problem solving,就会听不到自己的gut feeling。小绿一直专注地希望为她解决问题,而忽略了真正的问题。她的problem就是小绿不在自己的身边。她觉得实际地在一起才可以对抗未知数。但对小绿来说他一点都不怕未知数,因为未知的事情还没发生。这个是typical problem solver的观点。问题发生了才想怎么解决就可以了嘛!干嘛为了可能不会发生的事钻牛角尖!




小绿妈妈过世,最需要她的时候,她只传了简讯来慰问。她是在用 “与你同在” 来打小绿多一个巴掌吗?她又为他努力过了吗?



我想我们每个人都有太执着的时候。可能不是为爱情,可能是为了工作,为了友情。我也有我过于执着的时候。我也曾经耗了10年的青春钻牛角尖。但年纪大了后,经历的事情多了,就看开多了。我学会了珍惜身边的人,珍惜我所拥有的得来不易。现在我必须学会的就是拥抱未知数,也必须相信自己可以solve all the possible problems。即使我没办法自己solve,我也要坚信我的老公会和我一起solve。


16年前,我和老公高中毕业就在一起。老实说那时的我会很担心老公当兵时,因为聚少离多我们感情会改变。但是老公很努力,我们也很幸运。他的army camp就在离国立大学(NUS) 不远,所以我们不需要当牛郎织女。但由于老公的duty时间不固定,所以我们很珍惜可以在一起的时间。后来老公上了南大(NTU),为了争取休息与温习的时间而住进了学校宿舍。那时的我毕业了,也开始勤劳地工作。我们见面的时间少了,但是一有机会我就会溜进南大宿舍陪老公温书。

她说的“一起长大”很 shallow。我觉的一起长大不应该指一起上学、一起温书,做什么都要每天在一起。一起长大是很抽象的指思想上一起长大、一起改变。
















Monday, July 4, 2016

Food Review: McDonalds Salted Egg Chicken Burger and Salt & PepperFrench Fries Challenge

Took awhile to write this review because I wanted to confirm the taste of the burger, despite the many negatives remarks on Facebook.

Being someone who only believes in what I see and hear, I wanted to try the burger from at least 2 different venues before I write the review. 

First Burger Tasting

Though there was more sauce in the second burger, the taste did not differ very much. :( 

I think I was being unrealistic to hope that the burger tastes like salted egg prawns or salted egg crabs! Haha! 

Second Burger Tasting

BUT the shaker fries were legendary!!! We always asked for extra servings of shaker fries whenever we go to Mcdonalds!!!

I even had shaker fries for teabreak at office once! :P The calories that comes with the shaker fries are totally worth it! 

My Stress-Killing Teabreak 

Don't look at my Sundae lah! Hahaha, since the shaker fries were going to fat-die-me anyway, some additional calories won't matter lah! Besides the chocolate will kill my stress! Haha! 

Oh yes, if you are a goreng pisang lover, you may like the angmoh goreng pisang aka Banana Pie! I tried the Salted Caramel Icecream Cone. Hmmm.. it tasted sweet.. Is it supposed to taste sweet? I was expecting it to taste salty :/

Yum! At least I like Banana Pie lah! ^^

I hope this food review did not come too late as I just saw this in the papers this week! Oh Gosh! 

What caught my eyes was not the Chessy McSpicy but the Milo Dinosaur McFlurry! I die die must give it a try really soon!!! 

As a cheese lover, I am not going to miss the Cheesy McSpicy too! So stay tune for my next food review! ^^