
Thursday, March 28, 2013





是的,步步惊心 (简称<步步>)迷是忘不了八爷与若曦短暂却浪漫的恋情,也忘不了四爷与若曦刻苦铭心的苦恋。


因为听人拿<步步>与另一出改编至同一本小说的<宫锁心玉>(简称<宫>)比较,所以好奇心驱使我追看了 <宫>。



<步步> - 原著
<宫> - 改篇

<步步> - 跟随历史的程序走向,重点讲述若曦如何变成历史事件的导火线。如: 因为若曦,八爷设陷阱造成十三爷被关闭十年。也因为若曦,没野心的四爷变成想砍除一切阻碍成为一国之君的雍正皇帝。剧里把四爷的'布局'演绎成是应该的,因为是康熙先不义于他,又伤害了他生命中最重要的两个人。

<宫> - 颠倒历史。把一向野心蓬勃的八爷演绎成不成大器的大男孩而向佛虚心的四爷变成有心机与心怀不轨的人。

- <步步>的结局给人的影像可以是好的也可以是不好的,但是合情合理。因为为了不要颠倒历史,他们真的不可以在那个朝代在一起。但是作者却给了他们的爱情有了重生的机会,因为在现代里,没有皇室的枷锁。但是我想戏迷还是会为了他们的苦情而哭泣。
- <宫> 的结局是圆满的。但是很夸张。八爷来到了现代寻找晴川,多完美但不符合逻辑的结局。

- <步步>在服装上比较花心思,预算肯定比较高。阿哥们都是主要演员,所以都穿得很有自己的个性与风格。
- <宫>服装比较简单也不讲究。阿哥们穿着太朴实没有贵气。

<步步> - 阿哥们几乎都是主要演员。他们都有自己的个性与价值观。剧本也提到各个阿哥的心路旅程。
<宫> - 只注重晴川、四爷与八爷的感情纠纷。

- 晴川比较美和有张让人想怜惜的脸孔与眼神。样子比较机灵。但是因为若曦的朴实,让人更觉得八爷与四爷是真的被她的个性与内在美所吸引。
- 晴川那不可一世的态度很不符合那个年代和地点(皇宫)的真实性。因为即使是皇上或是阿哥们的心仪对象,与皇室人物说话也应该有礼貌,和有警觉性。因为是随时都会掉脑袋的。若曦反而带出了现代人到了古代后的无可奈何。尽管她提倡现代思想主义,也必须顾全自己的脑袋。她步步惊心地过着日子,成功演绎出若曦的好EQ和皇宫生存之道。

- 俊俏的吴奇隆肯定把老气的何晟铭比想去。但是吴奇隆的幼气的脸即使加上了胡须还是看起来比弟弟们年轻。
- 吴奇隆把木纳但深情、专一的四爷演绎得很好。他很会用眼睛说话/演戏。我看了<步步>两次。第二次发现他的眼神会传情达意。
- 何晟铭表情与眼神是一样的,木纳再木纳。而且我没有被他感动到。

- 俊俏的郑嘉颖真的演技了得。我在看<步步>的当儿,也看了怒火街头2的前几集。我其实有点被吓到,为什么那个演流氓Law霸的郑嘉颖可以把优雅,柔情的八贤王演得活灵活现。我其实也很喜欢他的角色,只不过他要江山不要美人。但我相信一直到了最后他还是喜欢若曦的。不然他不会冒险触怒雍正,让他放若曦出宫下嫁十四爷。自始至终他还是处处为若曦着想的。
- <宫>里的八爷看起来向不成大器的毛孩。一点也没有八贤王的味道。他反而像幼稚、不善于表白的道明寺,霸道地喜欢着晴川,并故意欺负她来引起他的注意。

- <步步> 里的太子是个荒淫无道的阿哥,如果他当皇帝一定是个昏君。角色很讨人厌。
- <宫> 里的太子是个善良、天真又没有大作为的阿哥。但是不讨厌他的角色,认可他当众人瞩目的太子的无奈。

- <步步> 里 的十三爷,个性潇洒率直,是若曦最好的朋友。很喜欢他的角色因为我和他一样,是重情重义,会为朋友两肋插刀的大傻瓜。小时后就是因为这种'干劲'结果变得片体鳞伤。但是我没后悔过,因为从中得到的比失去的多。

- <步步> 里让人喜欢怜惜的还有十四爷。单纯、善良的大将军可能后来真的喜欢上了若曦。但是他也是皇位争夺战的牺牲品。他和十三爷都不想当皇帝,但是却都难辞其咎。一个失去了十年光阴和心爱的女人。另一个没来得及见父母最后一面,福晋的骨灰又被抢走了。

- <宫> 里的十三爷是个有心机,没良心的人,甚至比四爷还坏,是帮他出坏主意的人。<宫>里的十四爷,看起来也很年轻,没有什么作为。

- <步步>里的九爷是大坏蛋 但 <宫> 里的九爷却是个毛孩。
- <步步> 的十爷演得够草包。但是<宫>里的十爷没什么个性,台词也少,像是小配角。

- 希望会有步步惊心2。我连剧情都想好了。有时间会写写看!喜欢步步惊心要继续支持剧里的演员哦!我还因此走火入魔,特地要去北京看紫禁城哦!到时回来会上载照片的!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Talking to her toys

Energetic and cannot sleep Jamie started to her toys:
Me: Jamie, what are u doing?
Jamie: I telling a story to my 'children' before they sleep.
Me: hah?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I am Sorry, my darling James

It was weird and sudden but the emo-ness just struck me off-handed.

It all happened after I returned from my JB cum Legoland trip on 20/3. I suddenly feel very suffocated and unhappy. By Friday (22/3), I was feeling v upset and extremely emo. I was shocked when I told my hubby that I felt like throwing James into the dustbin when I heard his crying. I knew I need a break.

A break from the children and from my role as a mother. I can't say I am not ready to have a second child because I spent months and months listing out and self-battling with the push and pull factors. We knew one is not enough but we hope we chose a Gd time to have another. We knew now is the best time when we have settled down in the new house, stable income, a Gd helper and the Gd age gap between Jamie and the baby.

I knew I need to sacrifice some of my personal time for the new baby. I knew we cannot be as mobile as before, at least for the first 6 months. I knew I will have to assist part of the routine care for both children.

I even knew James will b different from Jamie when I was pregnant. But I wasn't prepared for a new baby with a totally different personality and development pace, compared with Jamie.

I know it's wrong to compare but which parents don't compare. It's normal for parents to wonder when the new baby doesn't reach the benchmark hit by the older sibling. It's normal for parents to wonder what's wrong with the baby and when is he so different.

Though all prepared, I was still caught helpless when it happened. I didn't know what's wrong with James When he can't self-entertain himself and be highly adaptable like Jamie.

It was a good break from all these emo thoughts I had. I have great support from my friends too, ESP those with children. I really grateful to have them standing by me.

I feel much better now. I told myself to accept James as he is. He may be different from Jamie or even slower in development than Jamie. But I should be thankful as long as he is healthy and strong. He can always catch up later if he has the abilities. Otherwise we can teach him how to make the best of what he has :)

I am sorry, my darling James... Mummy really loves u as who you are.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Siblings look alike

I was looking at James today and noticed he really looks a lot like Jamie now. To confirm my guess, I started to dig out Jamie old photos. Found this one that really look like James!

Omg! Other the size of their eyes and cheeks, they really look like the same mould ^^ I guess James will look a Lot like Jamie when he grows up too :)

Really love the two cuties! Thought for a long time and decided to buy the double stroller!!! This will solve a lot of problems when bringing both kids out together!

And they both looked like its really comfy and they liked it a lot :) I think I going to miss them when I travel!

Friday, March 8, 2013


已经是第二次看<步步惊心>, 但我知道我不介意看更多次。


身边就常听到有人为了一时之快背弃婚姻,或为了面包放弃爱情,更有人为了一口气让自己的婚姻/感情一而再陷入不愉快中。难道现在的爱情就这么不堪一击吗?还是因为生活步伐太快了,所以当感情碰上问题时,大多人会选择最容易的解决方法 - 逃避。又或者是因为现在的年轻人没经历过什么大风大浪、所以无法看清眼前拥有的幸福。因为不懂得知足,所以不懂得珍惜。一旦失去了才怨天尤人。


相同的,在另一个'穿越'剧,<秦俑情>里,尽管过了两千年,经过了两次投胎,蒙天放始终没有忘记韩冬儿。在第二世与第三世里,他们还是相遇了,也同样爱上了对方。非常喜欢蒙天放被做成活人俑前对韩冬儿说的这句话 : 真正的爱情是不会因为时间的变迁或时空的转变而改变/消失的。即使再过两千年我还是会记得你,也一定会再爱上你。





Thursday, March 7, 2013




即使<步步惊心>只是个改篇自同名小说的故事,我任然相信雍正不是一个暴君。为什么? 因为我相信。。


Suddenly feel very busy lol

I had been feeling bored in Feb. However, I now suddenly feel very busy lol

Visited my colleagues with James and bought insurance policies for him too. Busy chasing dramas and just bought two books to keep myself busier. Changed money for my Bintan and Msia trips ^^

Did personal grooming like mani n pedi. Bought lots of face, body, hand and foot care products.

Feeling really 充实 after completing so many tasks in a week ^^ Looking forward to continue to be busy!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013



可能是我的女佣太能干了,所以我大多数的时间都花在发呆和追不同的电视剧。生产前与坐月时追的大多是旧的戏,如:<恶作剧之吻1与2>, <宫 (韩剧)>,<下一站幸福>。当然还包括我百看不厌的<步步惊心>!接下来的posts我会与您分享我观看后的观察与感想。

说回我的小胖子吧!刚开始其实很妒忌我的女佣,因为James 似乎比较喜欢她。但是后来我看开了。如果James 太念我,对我的工作就会有影响。现在他习惯了Pyone 就代表我可以安心地回去上班了!

一眨眼 小胖子就快两个月了!来看看他现在的样子吧!

Updating of blog labels

Hihi, sorry for the mess. Due to the sorting of my blog labels aka blog topics, there had been some mess created.

But am happy that I finally finished the sorting :)

Am also looking forward go blog more and to share more in my blog posts too :)

Stay tune!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Happy Full Month Alvern ^^

Happy Full Month Alvern ^^

A month flies and now my dear friend Sandra has completed her confinement and Baby Alvern is one month old already!

Miss the good old days when I choose to laze at home or bring Jamie out whenever I want to :D Miss those precious days and moments I spent watching Jamie. Cleaning and Washing was seen as something very mandane then but now, it's something very enjoyable for me to do for Jamie. I guess too much of anything is no good :P

Hence I still have to work but yet to ensure I have enough time for Jamie. To see her new surprises everyday. And to have her kiss my cheeks before I go to work everyday and when I come home from work. And before we go to sleep :)

And I just remember that I hadn't blogged much about the preparation of Jamie's first year birthday party. Hmmm and since we are on the topic of full month, I will just briefly touch on the preparation for baby's first month celebration and first year birthday celebration.

I think when it comes to deciding how we will like to celebrate our baby's full month, it depends largely on 1) Budget 2) Targeted Guests

If Budget is a concern but not Guest Size then you can consider the following:

1. Less than 30 pax
- A potluck / home made food
- A simple BBQ session.

2. More than 30 pax
- A simple tea buffet at $5/pax

You can prepare the red eggs yourself too and buy some ang ku kueh + glutinous rice from the market to add on to the dishes.

If Budget is NOT a concern but Target Guests ARE a concern, you can consider the following:

1. Less than 30 pax
- Ala Carte Banquet at a restaurant - $25-$30/pax
- Buffet session at home - $12-$15/pax

2. More than 30 pax
- Buffet session at restaurant - $20-$25/pax
- Buffet session at Chalet - $12-$15/pax + rental of chalet

If you have no issue on budget, you can consider to add on to have nice full month gift sets to your guests. You can easily find the whole list of bakeries available online that supply these gift sets from $6.80 to $15.80/box. Different bakeries may require different minimum order.

Full month celebration is definitely easier to prepare than the first year party.

Will share more on the preparation for first year party shortly.